17 research outputs found

    Toward Better Depth Lower Bounds: The XOR-KRW Conjecture

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    Collapsing Superstring Conjecture

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    In the Shortest Common Superstring (SCS) problem, one is given a collection of strings, and needs to find a shortest string containing each of them as a substring. SCS admits 2 11/23-approximation in polynomial time (Mucha, SODA\u2713). While this algorithm and its analysis are technically involved, the 30 years old Greedy Conjecture claims that the trivial and efficient Greedy Algorithm gives a 2-approximation for SCS. We develop a graph-theoretic framework for studying approximation algorithms for SCS. The framework is reminiscent of the classical 2-approximation for Traveling Salesman: take two copies of an optimal solution, apply a trivial edge-collapsing procedure, and get an approximate solution. In this framework, we observe two surprising properties of SCS solutions, and we conjecture that they hold for all input instances. The first conjecture, that we call Collapsing Superstring conjecture, claims that there is an elementary way to transform any solution repeated twice into the same graph G. This conjecture would give an elementary 2-approximate algorithm for SCS. The second conjecture claims that not only the resulting graph G is the same for all solutions, but that G can be computed by an elementary greedy procedure called Greedy Hierarchical Algorithm. While the second conjecture clearly implies the first one, perhaps surprisingly we prove their equivalence. We support these equivalent conjectures by giving a proof for the special case where all input strings have length at most 3 (which until recently had been the only case where the Greedy Conjecture was proven). We also tested our conjectures on millions of instances of SCS. We prove that the standard Greedy Conjecture implies Greedy Hierarchical Conjecture, while the latter is sufficient for an efficient greedy 2-approximate approximation of SCS. Except for its (conjectured) good approximation ratio, the Greedy Hierarchical Algorithm provably finds a 3.5-approximation, and finds exact solutions for the special cases where we know polynomial time (not greedy) exact algorithms: (1) when the input strings form a spectrum of a string (2) when all input strings have length at most 2

    Super-Cubic Lower Bound for Generalized Karchmer-Wigderson Games

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    In this paper, we prove a super-cubic lower bound on the size of a communication protocol for generalized Karchmer-Wigderson game for an explicit function f: {0,1}? ? {0,1}^{log n}. Lower bounds for original Karchmer-Wigderson games correspond to De Morgan formula lower bounds, thus the best known size lower bound is cubic. The generalized Karchmer-Wigderson games are similar to the original ones, so we hope that our approach can provide an insight for proving better lower bounds on the original Karchmer-Wigderson games, and hence for proving new lower bounds on De Morgan formula size. To achieve super-cubic lower bound we adapt several techniques used in formula complexity to communication protocols, prove communication complexity lower bound for a composition of several functions with a multiplexer relation, and use a technique from [Ivan Mihajlin and Alexander Smal, 2021] to extract the "hardest" function from it. As a result, in this setting we are able to show that there is a relatively small set of functions such that at least one of them does not have a small protocol. The resulting lower bound of ??(n^3.156) is significantly better than the bound obtained from the counting argument

    Half-Duplex Communication Complexity

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    Suppose Alice and Bob are communicating in order to compute some function f, but instead of a classical communication channel they have a pair of walkie-talkie devices. They can use some classical communication protocol for f where in each round one player sends a bit and the other one receives it. The question is whether talking via walkie-talkie gives them more power? Using walkie-talkies instead of a classical communication channel allows players two extra possibilities: to speak simultaneously (but in this case they do not hear each other) and to listen at the same time (but in this case they do not transfer any bits). The motivation for this kind of a communication model comes from the study of the KRW conjecture. We show that for some definitions this non-classical communication model is, in fact, more powerful than the classical one as it allows to compute some functions in a smaller number of rounds. We also prove lower bounds for these models using both combinatorial and information theoretic methods

    CNF Encodings of Parity

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    The minimum number of clauses in a CNF representation of the parity function x1⊕x2⊕⋯⊕xnx_1 \oplus x_2 \oplus \dotsb \oplus x_n is 2n−12^{n-1}. One can obtain a more compact CNF encoding by using non-deterministic variables (also known as guess or auxiliary variables). In this paper, we prove the following lower bounds, that almost match known upper bounds, on the number mm of clauses and the maximum width kk of clauses: 1) if there are at most ss auxiliary variables, then m≥Ω(2n/(s+1)/n)m \ge \Omega\left(2^{n/(s+1)}/n\right) and k≥n/(s+1)k \ge n/(s+1); 2) the minimum number of clauses is at least 3n3n. We derive the first two bounds from the Satisfiability Coding Lemma due to Paturi, Pudlak, and Zane

    Hardness Amplification for Non-Commutative Arithmetic Circuits

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    We show that proving mildly super-linear lower bounds on non-commutative arithmetic circuits implies exponential lower bounds on non-commutative circuits. That is, non-commutative circuit complexity is a threshold phenomenon: an apparently weak lower bound actually suffices to show the strongest lower bounds we could desire. This is part of a recent line of inquiry into why arithmetic circuit complexity, despite being a heavily restricted version of Boolean complexity, still cannot prove super-linear lower bounds on general devices. One can view our work as positive news (it suffices to prove weak lower bounds to get strong ones) or negative news (it is as hard to prove weak lower bounds as it is to prove strong ones). We leave it to the reader to determine their own level of optimism

    Minimum Common String Partition: Exact Algorithms

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    In the minimum common string partition problem (MCSP), one gets two strings and is asked to find the minimum number of cuts in the first string such that the second string can be obtained by rearranging the resulting pieces. It is a difficult algorithmic problem having applications in computational biology, text processing, and data compression. MCSP has been studied extensively from various algorithmic angles: there are many papers studying approximation, heuristic, and parameterized algorithms. At the same time, almost nothing is known about its exact complexity. In this paper, we present new results in this direction. We improve the known 2? upper bound (where n is the length of input strings) to ?? where ? ? 1.618... is the golden ratio. The algorithm uses Fibonacci numbers to encode subsets as monomials of a certain implicit polynomial and extracts one of its coefficients using the fast Fourier transform. Then, we show that the case of constant size alphabet can be solved in subexponential time 2^{O(nlog log n/log n)} by a hybrid strategy: enumerate all long pieces and use dynamic programming over histograms of short pieces. Finally, we prove almost matching lower bounds assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis